Beer & Bikes

My musings about good brews, hot bikes, good rides, and life in general.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Biking for beer...

Well it has been hot here in Pittsburgh. We've had all that Northeast heat wave, well I'm not sure if we're really in the Northeast, or more Mid-Atlantic, or Midwest (we are right next to Ohio, after all), but it really doesn't matter. Pittsburgh just denies categorization :-)

So it was like 94 today, and around 6 I took off to meet a couple of friends for our local GLBT cycling club. There were 3 of us, and we set off, with the firm intent of stopping for a beer towards the end of our route. In fact the quest for beer determined our route. True bikers we are.

We ended up at Bar Louie at Station Square, after about 11 miles of cycling. Not much of a ride, but between dodging potholes, and the heat, it was enough for us. We sat on the patio and had beers. I chose my reliable summer beer - Hoegaarden. Served with a lemon wedge, of course. Frankly, I don't know what they did to it, but it tasted like it was skunked. I was really disappointed, but didn't have the nerve to tell our waiter, a very cute trainee, that I wanted something different. Besides, I really wanted a Hoegaarden. Oh well. I sucked down some Gatorade as we started to ride again, just to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.

5 more miles, a quick climb up the hill I affectionately call "Alpe de CMU," since it has a couple of switchbacks and climbs up through a couple buildings on the CMU campus, and we were back to our starting point in Schenley Park. I think I must have sweated out about 5 lbs. of water, but that's normal for me LOL. It was a good ride, and one of those days you just feel on top of the world because the heat and humidity didn't get me down! Ciao!


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